Friday, September 25, 2009

Peace out, summertime.

This week marked the last day of summer. Some people dread the approaching winter months – clearly, they’ve never been skiing or snowboarding. Though, summer is good for a few things… like pretty pictures and trail improvements.

Whether you’re using a fancy DSLR or a beater digital camera, a ski resort in the summertime makes it easy to snap some snazzy photos. Check ‘em out below.

In other news, the Horizon Flow Project is coming along nicely. The construction site looks completely different since I was there last (a little over a week ago). It’s hard to really grasp what’s going on from your computer chair, as the pictures don’t really do it justice. No worries - I’ve got you covered. *cough.. video footage ..cough* Stay tuned.

Oh, and seasonal temps are headed our way next week – highs in the 60’s, lows in the 40’s. It’s coming. Get excited.

Later skaters,


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