Monday, March 1, 2010

Thanks for showing up.

Whoa. Wait a minute... It's March already?! Technically, spring is closing in... but the 2 feet of new snow on the ground says differently. We saw tons of new and familiar faces this past weekend and we’re super happy you came out to shred with us. To be honest, you didn’t really have a choice. You’d be kicking yourself for years if you missed out. I can picture it now…

*Rocking back and forth on the porch 40 years from now…*

They called it a “snow”icane, Jimmy boy.

Your fictitious grandson Jimmy:
What's a "snow"icane, pop pop?

It was the Febrary of all Februarys. The Vernon Cloud had its way with Mountain Creek. I hear it left close to 30" of snow in just ONE storm!


No way! That sounds magical!


Oh, it was, Jimmy. It was. To think how foolish I was for missing it. I'll never forgive myself for putting those TPS reports before the Jersey powder. I should have "declared my own snowday!" Nooooo!

*Creepy futuristic dialogue ends.*

Don’t let that be you. Make Jimmy proud and declare your own snowday before time runs out (aka: offer ends March 3rd). Check out this awesome user submitted video courtesy of Anthony Quintano. Read his entire post here.

