Allow me to introduce you to Tyler - Mountain Creek’s brand new intern. He approached us saying he’d do just about anything for a season pass. Naturally, we took him up on his generous offer. :)
See, there are lots of things to be done around here to keep the resort in working order. Tyler happily agreed to help us out here ‘n there. Keep in mind… it’s all in good fun, and he did say he’d do “anything.” (Envelopes don’t exactly lick themselves… and we have a lot of envelopes.)
We’ll post a video once in a while documenting his progress and hard work, and we might even take a few of your suggestions. Tyler has to earn his keep if he wants to shred for free.
Check back soon for more of Tyler’s To-Do List and if you happen to notice our toilets look a bit shinier than normal this season, think of Tyler and say thanks.