Thursday, September 17, 2009

Nice to meet ya

Hi, I'm Halley. I'll be bringing you all that is happening at Mountain Creek. As you might have noticed, this is our new blog which I'll be updating here 'n there as the year progresses to keep you in the know. Soon, we'll be best buds. I'll start thinking of a secret handshake...

Anyway, I wanted to tell you guys about something pretty cool going on at the Vernon peak. If you live in the area, you've probably heard the incessant pounding. If you haven't, then I've probably teased you on Facebook & Twitter with pictures of the "secret" construction.

It's not a secret... anymore.

*Drum roll* Allow me to present the Horizon Flow Project. Sounds all official, doesn't it? The construction taking place will drastically improve the flow on Horizon, especially where the trail took a sharp right turn under the bridge.

Workers are pounding away at the earth, widening the trail, smoothing out the surface and un-sharpening the sharp turns resulting in a cruise-tastic, wide open joyride.

Oh, and you may have noticed the bridge has been painted with secret Invisible Bridge Paint. (Just kidding. We took the bridge out in order to widen the trail.)

Well, that about sums it up. I hope you're as pumped about the season as I am - it's going to be awesome. Expect to see more blogs like this, photos, videos and other cool stuff here at &

