Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bikes, Waterslides and Golf

It’s official – summer 2010 is here (as if temperatures in the 90’s weren't an obvious tell). Here are just a few updates to keep you in the loop…

Mountain Creek Waterpark is now open 7 days a week. That means you could jump off a cliff 7 days in a row. That sounds weird. Let me clarify - we literally have a ride called “Cliff Jump." And that’s precisely what you do. You jump off the cliff into a pool.

Diablo Freeride Park is also set to open 7 days a week starting July 3rd. If you’ve never been riding before, Diablo will set you up with rentals and all the necessary equipment. You just might want to pack a lunch, maybe a little bravery, whatever works for you.

You can also swing through Tree City Mini Golf. It’s now open and has 18 holes of fury. Bathing suits and your A-Game accepted. Check out Cobblestone Village’s Facebook page for events and other activities throughout the summer.

Enjoy your July 4th barbeques. Hope to see you soon!


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Mikey Ryan Putter's Cup a Success!

This past Saturday, Tree City Mini-Golf hosted the 1st Annual Mikey Ryan Putters Cup. Mikey is a local of Vernon who was seriously injured in a snowboarding accident back in 2006. Nearly $5,000 was raised for Mikey’s rehabilitation and treatment costs.

Tree City Mini-Golf plans to host a few more charitable events throughout the summer. The next one is scheduled for June 26, 2010 – proceeds benefit the Viking’s Club, Vernon’s Athletic Association.

So if you’re into Italian ice, mini-golf, live music, exciting additions to said Italian ice if you’re 21+, jalapeño infused burgers… pencil in a trip to Cobblestone Village.

Just a warning: Timmy Grins will most likely beat you in mini-golf. Don’t take it too hard. He’s just that good.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

US Open: Winners, Photos & Videos

I hear the Jersey shore was significantly under crowded this past holiday weekend. Well, that’s probably an exaggeration, but Diablo did see over 500 spectators on Saturday and Sunday to witness the finals of the US Open of Mountain Biking.

RideDiablo.com has the complete list of results, and for some sick photography and video coverage, hit up the links below.


Photo: Halley O'Brien, Mountain Creek